Best Organization Hacks : Use The Bag System

Alivia Whitaker | March 26, 2018 @ 12:00 AM

One of the best organization hacks is using what we call, “the bag system”!  Utilizing different types of organizational bags and / or pouches will revolutionize the way you keep things organized in your home, car, backpacks and more!

Why Use Bags To Organize?

You have closets, backpacks, diaper bags and cars and purses, yes.  But each of those storage areas can become over run with disorganized “stuff” if that area in and of itself is not organized.  So the answer is simple: use bags!  

If you use smaller bags (Or baskets in drawers and closets) you have an organization system with a storage area that keeps everything in the same place.  Taking the time to make things easy on the outset keeps it easily organized in the future.  Using this system also minimizes the time it takes to stay organized day to day.

Kids Stuff

The bag system is one of the best organization hacks for children’s items!  Here’s some examples:

Diaper Bag

You have a diaper bag to take all the stuff you need for the day.  But what happens when you need something at the bottom of the bag?  Out comes everything you meticulously packed at the beginning of the day and now you’re disorganized again.

Using a bag system to keep everything categorized and separated will change your diaper bag experience.  An easy and cheap hack is using gallon sized ziplock slider bags.  Use the label section on the top of the ziplock to write the category such as: clothes, toys, food, etc. and then organize your items.  When you want something, you only have to pull out the individualized bag, grab the item and then put back in.

If you want a more complex or durable solution, there are many options available online such as this one HERE.  This option has well-made mesh bags with labels and a ring.

Kids Closet

Another kid stuff hack is using ziplock oversized giant bags to store old clothes, toys or other items.  It’s also great to store clothing your child doesn’t fit into yet.  It sits well in the closet until needed and has a labeling section. 

In The Car

Using bag and basket systems in the car will save you so much car mess and headache.  Cheap baskets and bags can be found online or at the dollar store and you don’t need much more to keep your car looking nice.  Higher quality versions can also be found at various retailers.

Some of the best organization hacks for cars are using a shoe organizer over the back of the seats to store often used items.  This is especially great for kid items as they are easily grabbed.  Use a miniature trash can or reusable plastic cereal container as a car trash can in the front passenger seat.  Use oversized ziplock bags and cheap plastic containers in your trunk or back area to house often used items that can get everywhere such as sports equipment, blankets or jackets and coats.  Leave a few bins empty to hold grocery store purchases upright.

In The House

There are simply an endless list of best organization hacks using bags and baskets it the house.  Turn your “junk” drawer into your favorite drawer by separating and creating spaces with baskets and ziplocks.  Easily organize miscellaneous hardware parts, kitchen items, toiletries and more by separating by category with baskets and bags, finding a dedicated spot and labeling everything!

The key to the best organization hacks is ease - and by using the bag and basket system, creating dedicated spaces and keeping up the system, it will save you time, money and headaches and keep your life organized and running smoothly!

Check out the Keylock Storage Blog for more interesting articles about organization and lifestyle: