New Years Resolutions Success - Goal Setting the New & Improved Way

Alivia Whitaker | December 29, 2017 @ 12:00 AM

We all want New Years Resolutions success. Lots of us have heard the disheartening statistics regarding New Year's Resolutions - Business Insider reported this year that "approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February."   Even though statistic exists, doesn’t mean it has to define you and your personal achievement.

The reason that 80% of resolutions fail could be that people simply don't have the right plan.

Here are some ways to avoid that 80% and dominate your New Years Resolutions for 2018:

Goals Are Meant To Inspire, Not Defeat - Be Realistic in Your Goal Setting

If you want to be part of that 80% of failed goals, the fastest way to do it is by setting goals you cannot achieve.  Yes, we’d all like to be as athletic as Michael Phelps, rich as Bill Gates and good as The Dali Lama. But chances are we’re not going to get there in one calendar year.

Be specific and targeted in your goal setting and set achievable, possible and enjoyable goals. For instance, many people say they want to read more.  If you’re already a decent reader that would like to bulk up your reading be more ambitious.  Perhaps make a goal of 2 books a month.  But if you read no books last year, you’ll probably want to start your bar a little lower.  Maybe you'll set a goal of 3 books a year.

By tailoring your goals to your abilities, situations and desires, you will be able to meet those goals, achieve them and then continuously improve and achieve New Years Resolutions success.

Use Both Quantitative and Value Bases for Goal Setting

Some say that if we don’t have a quantitative way of measuring our goals, there is no point in making them.  This is true in a way, but only focusing on measurable, numerical goals also cuts out a way of goal setting that has inherent potential. 

When we only set goals that can be checked off or measured some way each day, we may be missing value-based goals that are worthy.  For instance, you may want to include a qualitative goal such as, "meditate every day for 15 minutes" but you may miss out on the overall value or point of the goal if you limit it to that.  Try also including value based goals such as "be more present" or "live less in stress."  You can also create sub goals related to such values such as - "formally meditate more", "gossip less" or "spend less time in front of screens."

Get Organized 

Sylvia Plath said, "Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing." 

Trim your goals down to a few, manageable goals and put your energy into those instead.  This will stop you from spreading yourself too thin.  Think about the values and ideas attached to your incremental goals because having a reason behind the check list will give you that will to succeed that you need.

Some ways to get organized:

Develop a system

Maybe you want to check your goals first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  Give yourself a reward when you’ve reached different milestones in your goals.  Whatever system you need to keep you on track - develop a routine that will get you there.

Let Technology work for you

Look into apps or checklists that would be helpful to you.  Do you need something complex with lots of sub categories?  Maybe you just want a simple "check off" box list.  Maybe the Notes app is enough for you.  Read lots of reviews and try on some apps to see what you like.  Something as simple as a recurring reminder or calendar notification might be all you need.  Use technology to help you hit that New Years Resolutions success.

Check out the Keylock Storage Blog for more interesting articles about organization and lifestyle: