Life Organization Made Simple 4 Tips To Organize Your Life

Alivia Whitaker | January 11, 2018 @ 12:00 AM

Life Organization Made Simple: 4 Easy Tips To Organize Your Life

The New Year is all about fresh starts and life organization. But where do you begin? If you’re overwhelmed with the organization task ahead of you, start below. Here is a starter guide to help you jump start your home organization and learn what’s worth saving and what you should be ditching in 2018.

Keep One Drawer Empty

One of the best ways to feel less overwhelmed and on top of your life organization is to simply keep a few spaces completely clear. Having a shelf that never gets totally full, or an empty drawer here or there leaves you mentally open to possibility. It also always leaves you with possibilities should you ever want to change up your system or shuffle things in the house a bit.

Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project” discusses this strategy as well as other organizing practices that lead to happiness. Leaving a physical representation of space and open leaves you with a mental feeling of constant possibility.

Haven’t Used It In a Year? – You Still Might Need It

A popular strategy for home and life organization goes something like the following: “If you haven’t used it in a year, it’s time to get rid of it.” This theory actually has some fundamental problems. First of all, many of the things we need and use are seasonal and are only used once a year. Such as holiday decorations, summer items and even porch furniture. Just because you don’t use it constantly doesn’t mean it won’t be crucial in a few months. Don’t let expiration dates be your only guide when choosing what to keep and what to ditch.  

Tidy At Night And See What’s Hanging Around

One of the best secrets of organization is also one of the most simple: take 15 minutes at night and tidy. This doesn’t mean starting a huge cleaning project or getting wound up 5 minutes before bedtime. But as you wander back to the bedroom multi-task and tidy your home so that it is in order the next morning. You’ll find as you’re doing this that the things you need to remove, re-order, repurpose or recycle will naturally make themselves known to you. Naturally, unorganized things will surface during your nightly tidy. Your quick 15 minute night tidy will weed out the winners on it’s own.

Use Cheap Baskets and Label Everything

You may think you need a complicated, fancy or elaborate storage system found at higher end retailers. This is a myth! The best and easiest way to store items is to simply have baskets and label everything. Baskets work great and go anywhere.  Put them in drawers, cabinets, cubbies and closets. Most basket storage won’t even be visible. Cheap and cute-looking baskets can be at your local dollar store!

Take your life organization up to the next level and label EVERYTHING. Whether you buy cheap labels or want to invest in a label maker – the result will be the same. The creation of seamless life organization with no guesswork!

Check out the Keylock Storage Blog for more interesting articles about organization and lifestyle: